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Power BI

Connect to Merchant Assistant with Power BI

Merchant Assistant connects directly to Microsoft's Power BI for powerful analytics and interactive dashboards 

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About Power BI

Any Data, Any Time

Power BI Desktop is free application from Microsoft to analyze and visualize your data through powerful dashboards.  Through Power BI's data modelling logic, you can slice-and-dice your data for any individual company or roll up to cross-company dashboards if you manage several companies.  Visualize your data with interactive Power BI dashboards and easily distribute insight to your clients


Learn more about Power BI

Connect to Your Data

Merchant Assistant Connector

Using a Power BI data connector, you have access to all of the data and reports in Merchant Assistant inside Power BI available for analysis and creating effective dashboards. All you need is to enter your Merchant Assistant credentials to the data connector - once - any any new reports or data are available in Power BI

No More Copy and Paste

One-Click Refresh

When Merchant Assistant downloads the latest reports from Vendor Central, a 1-click refresh is all that is required for the latest information to be added to all tables and charts in your reporting dashboards. The latest and greatest data will be added to your reports in minutes. Less time doing ETL and more time for analysis

Powerful Dashboards

Make data-driven decisions

Create meaningful and effective charts and dashboards that are updated each week with a simple refresh, for your clients or business. Merchant Assistant gets you your data and Power BI provides interactive and engaging dashboards for you and your clients

Power BI Dashboards
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