Reliable, Fast, Complete forecasting
Merchant AI creates a forecast that is updated in real-time, adjusting for product price changes or on hand inventory levels.
By factoring in price changes, seasonality patterns, and non-availability periods, we can provide a reliable and accurate forecast to guide your business.
Improved Forecasting

See how many weeks of cover you have for a product, including vendor lead time and accepted orders, to be ready to fulfill all of your orders in the forecast
Merchant Assistant downloads the latest forecast data from the marketplace provider and stores that data on your unique company server. You can track forecast accuracy over time and increase your confidence in product projections.
Export the forecast charts into Excel to create your own reports. Get detailed information on each product: Replenishment categories, Sell In Prices, and time-phased details of all the forecasts downloaded.

Replenishment Forecasting

Select an ASIN from the tree picker to view the latest forecast and inventory projections
Select an ASIN from the tree picker to view the latest forecast and inventory projections
Compare the latest forecast against a end-user's forecast, promotion forecast, or a target forecast to see which aligns best with actuals

Automate eCommerce
Intelligent Forecast Downloading
Merchant Assistant is ready to get the latest file at any time, day or night. Ready to automatically download the latest product forecast from the eCommerce marketplace you sell on and store the data for measuring accuracy and reliability.
Product Detail Views
Drill down from the marketplace view to the individual products to identify outliers or opportunities. Filter forecast data to see what you need to improve portfolio performance or launch straight into a product page to see what improvements can be made to turn those glances into sales.
Fast and Reliable
Save time and focus on what is important to you and your business with a fast and accurate forecast that adjusts with your portfolio.